The Gentlemen's Club Journals Complete Collection Page 3
Kate sat at the foot of her king-sized bed and looked at the girl’s face. She’d positioned herself so it almost appeared that the girl was crawling to where Kate sat, her legs spread wide so that her toes barely touched the soft plush carpeting on the bedroom floor. Kate stared at the stripper’s tiny tongue and moved her right hand rapidly over her clit, breathing heavily as she did. Her left hand squeezed one breast and then the other, pausing to rub and pinch at her nipples. She could almost feel the young blonde lapping at her pussy, sucking on her clit, and moaning against her. She moved her left hand down and pushed a few fingers into herself and then shouted out something unintelligible as an orgasm ripped through her and she collapsed backwards on the bed.
She lay there for a while breathing heavily and feeling the warmth of the moment spreading through her body. At the end, as she came, she’d stopped imagining the blonde but had instead almost felt Stardust’s long black hair against her thighs. Two weeks ago, she’d been with a woman for the first time, a beautiful stripper named Stardust, who had taken her to a private room for a lap dance and had spent nearly forty-five minutes with her. She’d tenderly and then urgently led Kate through the experience, and images of Star’s lovely body flitted through Kate’s mind.
Kate had only been with three partners. At thirty years old, she was still beautiful. Hell, I’m damned hot. Still, she’d been with Stardust a few weeks back and a week prior had slept with a complete stranger in the back of her best friend’s car. Before that night, it was only her ex-husband, Dr. Larry James Neiss. She’d married him at eighteen and spent eleven years sending him to medical school, taking care of their home, and believing sex was supposed to be boring.
After a while, Kate sat up. The girl on the screen stared back at her. Kate had never met the girl on the homemade sex tape, but she knew more about the girl than she cared to. If she unpaused the video it would show the girl continue to crawl until she gripped a man’s thighs and put that tongue and those pouty lips to use sucking and licking an unfortunately small penis. By now, Kate could practically moan along with every gasp, groan, slurp, and mumble the girl made as she hungrily devoured the little cock. She was completely knowledgeable of the way the girl sucked dick.
As for the dick, she was familiar with that long before she ever saw the video. The tiny thing belonged to Dr. Asshole, her ex. About seven months ago, she’d found it on a flash drive he’d left in his laundry. Now, she had no husband, but she did have most of his net worth, a large house, and an insanely huge alimony payment. Kate was pretty sure she was over the marriage, but she still played the tape every night, although lately it was to mix in images of Stardust or Tony, the man she’d fucked in the back of Maureen’s car.
Kate stood up and stepped into the kitchen. She had a little speaker set up on the counter with an MP3 player there, and she pressed play and soft classical music flooded the kitchen. She stretched and then reached into the cabinet for a wine glass. Before she filled it, though, she put a frozen meal in the microwave. That done, she uncorked a nice pinot grigio and began to pour.
“You don’t work out at all, and your ass is perfect.” Kate jumped at the voice and turned around, almost spilling the wine. Maureen, her best friend, stood at the kitchen entry. “And fuck! Nobody has a right to tits that perfect at our age.”
“I don’t know why the hell I gave you a key.” Kate shook her head and sighed. She was smiling, though. “You just want to continue admiring my body, or will you go grab a robe for me?”
Maureen slowly looked at Kate from her toes to her face. Then, she nodded. “Okay, I’m good.” With that she disappeared back out of the kitchen. Kate giggled and reached into the cabinet for a wine glass for her friend. She poured a glass and walked with both to the living room, where she put them down on the coffee table. She walked to her room and got hit by a terrycloth robe, right in the face.
Maureen stood shaking her head and pointing at Kate. “Why the fuck are you still watching that goddam video? I thought we got you past that?”
Kate sighed and put her arms through the robe. As she tied it, she looked at her friend. “Well, today I was imagining the little slut’s tongue on my clit.” Maureen’s eyes grew wide. “See, when we went to Sixers last time and you bought me that lap dance…well, we did more than dance.”
Maureen squealed, grabbed her friend’s hand, dragged her into the living room, practically tossed her onto the couch, and sat down next to her. “I can’t believe you were holding out on me, so spill it right now.”
Kate laughed and pointed at the wine glasses. Maureen took them, handed one to her friend, and took a sip. Kate sipped, too. “Well, Stardust—that was her name—told me you paid for a dance and I said I didn’t want one. She threw a guilt trip on me and said you wanted me occupied while you were with those guys. She said you’d paid for ten or twelve dances in a row. She—”
“I only paid for one!”
“I know, Maur. I think Stardust just wanted me.” The memory brought a renewed flush of desire between Kate’s legs. She told Maureen about the way the stripper felt, how wonderful and different it was.
“So that’s why you didn’t want to go back to the club.” Kate nodded. “The sex was good, but if she lied about the dances to get you in there, who knows what kind of a relationship she’d want. You know, Kate, I’ve haven’t been with too many women, but it’s fun as hell when it happens.”
“It was great. Maur. Of course, anything other than Dr. Asshole is great.”
Maureen laughed and then got serious. “Speaking of that, throw the fucking video away.”
“No, no, no…I’m fine. I watch it now to make fun of him more than to be depressed.” She drained the wine. “You want to take me out tonight so I can do something stupid?”
Maureen smiled at her. “Okay, but I’ll need to borrow some clothes.” She drained her wine as well. “You’re not trying to seduce me, are you? I mean, now that you’re into girls do I need to be worried.”
“Oh shut up,” Kate said and walked to the room. She went to the closet and picked up a short cotton dress. It was solid red, and she picked a black belt to go with it. She pulled some red pumps from the shelf and was dressed in moments. While she went to the restroom to tidy up her hair, Maureen began rummaging through her clothes. “Hey, Kate—you got anything that isn’t designed for redheads with perfect bodies?” Kate stared at herself. Her body was pretty good, more than pretty good actually. Her red hair hung to the middle of her back in waves, and her green blue eyes always made the hair seem redder. She put on a touch of lipstick and walked back to the closet.
Maureen, who looked pretty damn good herself, had already picked out tight blue jeans and a soft beige cashmere sweater that barely contained her beautiful breasts. She pushed her straight brown hair behind her shoulders and blew Kate a kiss. “So…dinner? Dancing? What?”
Kate shrugged. “Want to go to another strip club? Not the Sixers, somewhere else.”
“Your call, Honey. I’ll look one up on my phone.”
Maureen found one, and in a few minutes, the two were in her car heading out. They both were trying to quit tobacco, but they smoked in the car as Maureen drove. In just a few minutes, they pulled up to the Night Horse, which advertised the “hottest, loosest girls in seven states!”
The Night Horse was nothing like the Sixers Club. The Sixers had been a large building in a brightly lit parking lot. In fact, you wouldn’t have known it was a strip club if it wasn’t for the neon flashing “LIVE, NUDE GIRLS!” The Night Horse, on the other hand, was set in back of a strip mall with a tiny doorway. When the two friends walked in, they had to make their way down a long and narrow hallway with pictures of naked women spreading their legs, holding open their labia, licking their fingers, and looking like sex dolls a man might buy at a porn shop. By the time they reached the little counter in front of a second door, Kate felt almost dirty.
A fat man with greasy hair stood at the counter. He looked like th
e kind of guy you saw on the news getting arrested for flashing or for having child pornography on his computer. He leered at them when they walked up. Maureen reached into her purse to pay the cover charge, but the man said, “Oh, No! Ladies always get in free.” He bowed, opened the door for them, and gestured for them to walk inside.
It was much darker in this little club than the Sixers had been. The people at the tables seemed a whole lot grungier as well. There weren’t any businessmen or suits or couples. There was a drunk man sitting in front of the stage waving bills at a middle aged stripper. Maureen and Kate took a seat at the table furthest from the stage. When a cocktail waitress came by, Maureen ordered a light beer and Kate ordered a vodka martini.
“I don’t know about this place, Maur. It’s kind of slimy, isn’t it?”
“Yeah.” Maureen took a look around. “But don’t forget that you’re the one who said we should go to a strip club.” Kate shrugged. “Anyway, let’s just watch a couple of dances and then go to dinner or something.” The two friends watched as the older woman finished her dance. Then, through a crackly speaker they heard the DJ announce the next dancer, Elektra.
The vodka martini had just been delivered when Elektra stepped from behind a curtain and onto the stage. Maureen said, “Oh, Jesus.” and Kate gasped. It was the girl from the videotape. She grabbed the pole and began swaying and moving to the music. As she had when she first saw her in the video, Kate thought about how she looked like a little girl playing grown up and not like a woman. She knew the girl was nineteen, but it still seemed like watching a junior high school girl flaunting her body.
“I…I ca…I can’t be here.” Kate reached for her vodka. “I..uh…Jesus, I…Fuck, Maureen. I’m gonna hide in the bathroom. Get me when she’s done.” She drained the martini and rushed away along the back wall until she came to an alcove and a door. It was strange because there was only one restroom, and it had a little sign indicating it was for men and women both. Kate paused but screwed up enough courage to go inside.
It was empty. Thank God. She walked to one of the stalls, pushed it open, and went inside. She locked it and sat down on the toilet seat. It was a rather large stall, and Kate suddenly realized how funny the situation was. She was stuck in a stall in the restroom of a strip club, a restroom men and women used, so that she could hide from the nineteen year old stripper who had fucked her husband and brought about her divorce. Even funnier, the whole situation was of her own making!
She looked around. Graffiti covered the stalls. FOR A GOOD TIME, CALL STEPHANIE. I’VE BEEN INTO BLOWJOBS SINCE I WAS TWELVE SO YOU KNOW I’M GOOD. Beneath was a number. IF YOU WANT TO FUCK A TIGHT ASSHOLE, CALL ED CAMINOS. Another number. ONLY A MAN KNOWS HOW TO SUCK COCK! CALL JIM WAGNUR FOR A GOOD TIME. This one didn’t have a number. Evidently, Jim Wagnur just wanted to be included. There were more. Some guy named Bob loved pussy. Four or five women loved cock. There was a number to call if she wanted to be a famous porn star. As she read, she saw a hole about two feet above the floor in the stall wall on her right. She could imagine some pervert watching her pee, and she involuntarily smoothed out her dress to cover her thighs. She took a deep breath and shuddered.
Suddenly she heard the bathroom door open and steps on the tiles. A male voice was in mid-sentence. “…yeah, Elektra is pretty hot. Jesus, I’d fuck that.” Kate sat bolt upright. She heard another voice agreeing and another said, “Shit, you guys couldn’t get pussy if you paid for it.” She sat there on the toilet wringing her hands and wondering what to do when she heard the door on the stall next to her open. She heard the sound of pants unzipping and then the trickle in the other toilet as the man used the restroom. Panicking, she opened her purse and rummaged for something, anything. Instead, she knocked her purse to the floor of the stall.
“What have we here?” The voice in the other stall seemed surprised, and Kate stared at the two or three inch hole, expecting at any moment to see someone staring through the hole. Instead of eyes, though, she watched as a penis was pushed through the hole. It looked enormous to Kate. Of course, she’d only seen two dicks before, Dr. Asshole’s and Tony’s in the back of Maureen’s car. She heard the voice again saying, “C’mon, baby, c’mon.”
A voice from the front said, “What the fuck is taking you so long, man? I want to watch Elektra.”
“Shut up, asshole. I’m getting a blowjob.” A blowjob? Kate gasped. Some guy stuck his dick through a hole in the wall and expected him to suck his cock? Then the voice came again. “C’mon, baby.” Almost involuntarily, Kate lifted her hand and touched it. “Oh, fuck yeah.” It was warm, and she stroked it softly. What the fuck am I doing? Still, she bent down and kissed at the head of it. Then, she pushed out her tongue and licked at the tiny hole at the tip. The man groaned. When she put her lips fully around the head, he moaned deeply. She couldn’t believe what she was doing, but she got down on her hands and knees and bowed down to be even with the hole and began sucking him in earnest.
Kate hadn’t given many blowjobs. In fact, maybe two or three times she’s started with her mouth, but she always ended up with Larry on top of her. Dr. Asshole wasn’t really into them unless a nineteen year old stripper was doing the sucking, but she imagined Elektra on the tape and tried to mimic her hungry, loud sighs and her enthusiastic sucking. Elektra. That was bullshit. From the divorce papers, Kate knew the girl’s name was really Morgan Rees, and sucking cock was probably the only thing the little bitch was good at. Fuck her, I’ll do better. She moved her tongue around as she bobbed her head hungrily and moved her head from side to side.
“Oh fuck! She’s totally into it!” The cock was pushing into her mouth as much as the stall wall would allow.
“Is she any good?” That was one of the other men.
“Oh fuck yeah!” As if to prove it, the man suddenly gasped and she felt his cock grow large in her mouth. She kept sucking and was surprised when the man suddenly began shooting semen into her mouth. She didn’t know what to do, so she swallowed it down and kept sucking, feeling just a bit strange over the whole episode. Finally, the man said, “Oh, Jesus!” She felt the dick pulling out of her mouth and saw it disappear back inside the hole. Kate stayed on her knees panting for a moment. She wiped her mouth and started to get back up when she saw a new dick push through the hole. Oh, fuck. She sighed. Well, if Morgan Elektra Rees can suck a tiny prick, I can suck two big ones.
The man groaned as she sucked, and as she moved her mouth, she felt a hand on her. She looked behind her, and a hand was through a hole she hadn’t noticed on the other wall. In for a penny, in for a pound, I guess. Maybe that’s why I didn’t wear any panties. She reached back and lifted her dress up to her waist. The hand clumsily grabbed at her ass and then at her pussy.
She went back to the cock in front of her, sucking on it as she felt fingers pushing into her. She couldn’t believe how turned on she was, and she sucked eagerly and hungrily. When she felt the fingers leave her, she moaned and turned around, upset. She saw that the man had replaced them with his cock, a large one that curved upward. She reached behind her and guided it in. She could only get it halfway in and still keep her mouth on the cock in front of her, and she awkwardly worked on both. Finally, she heard a “Fuck!” and she tasted semen for the second time in her life, the second time in a half hour. She sucked until the cock disappeared through the hole again and then rammed her ass against the stall behind her, forcing the cock there into her pussy. She moved furiously until she felt herself coming in great, shocking spasms. She heard the man behind her moan and then felt him coming as well, deep inside her.
The man pulled out and she pulled herself back up onto the seat, breathing heavily and feeling a curious mixture of shame and excitement. Finally, the men left and she was alone. She could still taste the two she had blown, and she reached into her purse for a mint. She heard the door open again and a male voice said, “I heard there’s a girl in the middle stall.” Her heart beat fast and she wondered how many men she’d h
ave to get off in order to get out of the restroom, but the door opened again and she heard Maureen’s voice.
“She’s done, Katie—Jesus, what the fuck are you staring at, asshole. You couldn’t afford to smell my panties. Are you in here?”
Katie stood up and smoothed her dress down over her legs. “Right here, Maur.” She opened the stall and saw two rather ugly and now disappointed men standing and staring at her.
“Get the fuck out of the way!” Maureen grabbed Kate’s hand and pulled her out of the restroom. She didn’t stop at their table but kept pulling until they were out of the club.
In the parking lot, she said, “That place is a fucking dump. If you want to hit another strip club, look one up online first, okay?”