The Gentlemen's Club Journals Complete Collection Page 2
She whimpered softly and let her breathing return to normal. The girl on the video was a stripper, and the unfortunately endowed prick in her mouth belonged to Kate’s ex-husband. In fact, Larry James Neiss, whom Kate referred to as “Dr. Asshole”, became her ex-husband because of the video. Perhaps the only thing stupider than cheating on your wife with a woman who was barely past childhood was recording it and forgetting it in the pants your wife cleaned. Dr. Neiss lost more than half of his net worth and his wife. Kate lost all sense of reality. Six months later, she’d watched the tape nearly nightly, almost punishing herself by masturbating as she watched the two fucking. Her best friend Maureen had finally had enough and last Tuesday night had shown up, picked up Kate, and brought her to a strip club. She didn’t have the will to go inside, so Maureen had picked up two men in a parking lot, one for herself and one for Kate. Before she knew it, Kate was underneath a complete stranger, stroking his hair and reeling in the aftermath of the most powerful orgasm she’d ever had. In the four days since, she’d turned on the video four or five times and come harder than she ever had with her husband.
The phone rang and she picked up the phone. It was Maureen’s voice. “Hey, Honey. It’s Saturday night. Ready to make it inside the club?”
Kate smiled, but she was drained after masturbating. “Hey Maur. I’m a little tired. Maybe tomorrow.”
Maureen’s voice changed from cheerful to concerned. “Are you watching that damned video again?”
Karen laughed. “Yeah, but I’m okay. I’m mostly looking at how small Larry’s dick is and getting all hot and bothered thinking about Tony’s cock.”
“Who the hell is Tony?”
“God, Maureen.” Karen sat up on the bed. “Let’s think. Last Tuesday? Back of your car? Ring a bell? He fucked me in the backseat while you disappeared and fucked his friend.”
“That was his name? Hell, I never bothered to figure out the name of my guy. Are you sure you’re not up to a night out?”
Kate looked at the clock on the night table. It was just after 9:30. “Alright, I’ll hop in the shower and be ready in twenty.”
Maureen hung up and Kate headed to the restroom. By the time Maureen arrived, Kate had pulled her flame red hair into a ponytail, popped out her contacts and replaced them with her glasses, and put on a touch of raspberry lip gloss. A green, low-cut blouse showed off her ample breasts, and extra-tight blue jeans perfectly outlined her ass. Maureen looked her up and down, made her spin around, and said, “Okay, hot nerd? That’s a new look for you.”
“I was thinking sexy bookworm.” She looked at her friend. She wore a black miniskirt, thigh high stockings, and a shirt that was probably a size too small. “And your look…um, complete whore?”
“I was thinking total slut.”
Both friends laughed and the two headed for the car. Once underway, they smoked even though both of them were trying to quit, and they made fun of Dr. Asshole. As they pulled into the parking lot of the Sixers Club, Maureen let Kate know she had plenty of condoms and told her to put a few in her purse. Kate shook her head and pointed at the neon sign flashing Live, Nude Girls! In red white and blue colors and said, “No men here, no rubbers.” Her friend rolled her eyes. “Seriously, Maur, I don’t plan on any action tonight, just get to watch misguided girls dance and think about how much of a loser Larry is for throwing everything away for one. Believe me; despising that bastard is almost as good as sex.”
Maureen reached over, opened Kate’s purse, and dropped a package of condoms in. “Just in case, Sweetie,” she said as she got out of the car. It was Kate’s turn to roll her eyes, but she picked up her purse, opened the door, and stepped out. The two made their way to the club entrance, and Kate took a deep breath before she opened the door and walked inside.
There was nothing to see. They were in a little foyer, another door, and a woman who looked like she might have been a dancer ten or fifteen years ago sat in a small booth with thick safety glass from the counter to the ceiling. She looked at the two and said, “Girls, the dancers come in through the side door.”
“Aren’t you sweet?” Maureen said.
“Um, we’re not dancers.” Kate looked at Maureen and then at the woman in the booth. “We thought we’d go in for a few songs.”
The woman raised her eyebrows, but she finally told them there was a fifteen dollar cover charge to get in and a two drink minimum. Kate paid her, and the woman asked how many singles they wanted.
“Singles?” Kate looked at her friend.
“For the dancers, silly. Get fifty.”
She forked over another fifty and the woman gave her a stack of one dollar bills. The woman pointed at the door and reached under the counter. A buzz sounded and Maureen pulled it open and gestured for Kate to go in first. Kate felt a little nervous, but she forced one foot in front of the other and walked in.
There was plenty to see now. A stage directly in front of her practically glowed with colored lights blinking on and off, sending sprays of color over the body of a dark skinned woman wearing only the tiniest g string and high heels. The woman was hanging upside down, her leg hooked around a pole in the center of the stage as she swayed to a classic rock song. All along the wall to the left were men in high backed chairs with girls moving on top of them. If she hadn’t seen the pants the men wore, she would have sworn there were eight or nine couples having sex right out in the open. A number of openings on the other wall were covered by curtains. Bar tables were placed throughout the rest of the floor, and it looked like all of them were occupied.
“There’s nowhere to sit.” The music was so loud that Kate practically had to yell it. Maureen took her hand and guided her through the tables until she found one with two open seats. Two men in business suits occupied the other seats at the table, and Maureen asked if they’d mind sharing.
By the time the girl on the stage was finished, Kate was sipping vodka with cranberry juice and Maureen was downing her second shot of tequila. As the music died down, the men asked when each of them would be dancing, and Maureen laughed. “Sweetheart, we may get naked later, but not on the stage. We’re here for a good time.” The men smiled as Maureen ordered another round. The girl who had just finished dancing came by and Maureen handed her a few dollars and so did the men. The music started up again, and the DJ announced the next dancer, Stardust.
Even though she thought the name was silly, Kate couldn’t take her eyes off of the girl who took the stage. Even in the dim light, the girl’s features were striking. She had long jet black hair. She was tall and moved with a strange feline grace. She wasn’t really dressed like Kate expected but instead wore a long flowing white dress like something out of historical costume drama film. When the music started up and she began to dance, the dress seemed to move like a cloud all around her. She glanced at Maureen, but she was laughing with both of the men and not watching the stage.
As the music reached a crescendo, Stardust leapt into the air and landed in a crouch just as the sound faded. She stayed that way for a beat, and as the music started up again she stood, but the dress stayed on the floor. Instead, she wore white stockings with a garter belt, a white thong, and a lacy white bra. Unlike the rest of the girls, whose breasts looked like something you might buy at a hardware store, Stardust had perfect tits that still looked natural. Kate had never been attracted to women, but she felt a thrill as the dancer moved around the stage and a jolt of excitement when she reached up and deftly removed her bra.
When Stardust turned around, grabbed the pole, and pushed her hips out, Kate stared transfixed at the woman’s beautiful ass and the tiny white panties that seemed to glow under the lights. When the dancer lifted herself up, spread her legs wide and twirled her body around the pole, Kate breathed in sharply and even licked her lips.
“Why, Kate. I do believe you’re getting turned on by a girl.” Maureen’s voice brought a flush of embarrassment to Kate’s cheeks and she turned to protest, but Maureen had already lost inte
rest and was busy pushing her tongue into one of the men’s mouths while the other rubbed at her inner thigh. The music ended, and Kate looked at the stage just in time to see the dancer take a bow.
She watched Stardust gather her discarded clothing and step off the stage to disappear behind a wall. A few seconds later, the dancer stepped back out. She was back in the flowing dress and began making the rounds of the tables drumming up tips. Kate looked back at Maureen, who was now kissing the other guy. Just then, a huge man in a tight t-shirt walked up to the table and whispered in Maureen’s ear. She smiled at him and he walked away. “Well, boys, it looks like we’re going to have to find some privacy.” Maureen stood up and took the men, one in each hand, and walked toward the curtained openings.
Kate shook her head as she watched them walk. As the three walked past Stardust, Maureen stopped and talked to her. She saw her friend reach into her purse and hand the dancer some money. Then, Maureen turned and pointed right back at the table. Kate felt her cheeks flush again as her friend led the two men through one of the curtains and disappeared from sight.
Stardust didn’t disappear, though. She walked straight up to the table and looked at Kate. “Hi there.” Her voice was low and sultry.
“Uh, hi.” Kate swallowed. Her cheeks felt feverish. “I…I enjoyed your dance.”
“Well, you’re in luck then, Hon. Your friend just bought you a private dance.” Kate’s eyes grew wide, and she shook her head. “Come on, Sweetie,” Stardust said, “Your friend booked you for a long time.”
“I don’t, uh…I don’t know if…I think I…” Kate realized she had no idea what to say and took a sip of her vodka just to break contact.
The dancer sat down and touched her arm. “I’ll put it another way. Your friend plans on fucking those guys for the next forty-five minutes to an hour. She shouldn’t be allowed to, but nobody in this club gives a damn about the rules. Since each of our lap dances is about five minutes long, she’s forked over enough for me to give you ten or eleven in a row.” Kate did a quick mental calculation. Maureen had given Stardust almost five hundred dollars. The dancer looked at her and squeezed her arm. “Frankly, Babe, I’d much rather dance for you than any of the guys at these tables.”
“I don’t…that is, I’ve never had a lap dance before.” Kate smiled nervously and pursed her lips to try to stop herself.
“That’s okay. I’ve got enough experience for both of us.” With that, the dancer stood, took Kate’s hand and started toward the curtains. Kate found herself standing and even though her mind was racing and her heart was beating like it would burst, she followed.
She felt like every eye was watching her as they made their way to the private alcoves, and as she passed the first, she could hear Maureen’s voice saying, “Oh fuck, that’s right. Oh shit. Put it in, put it in.” She flushed again, and it was almost a relief when the dancer pulled her past a curtain and into a small room with a long, plush couch-like bed. She heard the announcer say something about the next dancer coming up, but Kate saw only the girl in front of her. Stardust smiled at her, led her to the bed, and told her lie down. She did, but she was practically shaking with nervousness. She watched as the white dress fell to the floor, followed by the bra.
She could barely breathe as the music started up again and Stardust climbed onto the bed and straddled her. Kate felt her on top of her and watched as the dancer leaned forward and put her lips right up against her ear and whispered, “Relax baby.” Then, she began moving her hips, and Kate felt like electricity shot through her. She breathed in deep as the girl on top of her began to sway. When Stardust lifted her head and leaned back again, her long black hair brushed against Kate’s neck and cheeks and she thought she would faint.
The dancer leaned all the way back and lifted up her ass so that Kate stared right at her crotch. The girl turned around and backed up so her pussy was right above Kate’s face, separated by just an inch or two of space and the thin white strip of silk cloth that made up her thong. That pussy started rotating above her face, and Kate started breathing in and out in a near panic. The music died off, and she heard the dancer giggle. Stardust turned around, lay back down on top of Kate, and kissed her. Kate had never felt a kiss like that from a woman, and her hands went up involuntarily to hug the girl on top of her. The dancer said, “Mmmmm”, whispered, “that’s better, honey”, and put her lips back on Kate’s mouth.
They spent the next song just kissing and moving against each other. One of Stardust’s thighs found its way between Kate’s legs and she found herself pushing up against her, marveling in how good it felt. When the music stopped, the dancer kissed her one more time and then got up. She reached to her hips and pulled at the strings of her panties and they dropped to the floor. Kate stared at the stripper’s pussy. It was beautiful, pink and perfect with a tiny triangle of dark black hair right above it. Stardust smiled down at Kate and leaned over her. She kissed her on the cheek and Kate felt her hands reach under her shirt. She was paralyzed, and by the time the next song ended, she was naked on the bed. She shivered, but it wasn’t from the cold.
She’d never been with a woman, never wanted to. Still, when Stardust climbed on top of her and knelt over her face, she reached up, grabbed the dancer’s waist and tentatively kissed between her thighs. The music had just started again, but she thought she heard the low, throaty voice say, “That’s the spirit.” Then, Stardust leaned forward and for the first time in her life, Kate felt a tongue at her own pussy. Dr. Asshole had never done it, but as the dancer lapped at her, Kate felt herself react in ways she’d never known existed. She held onto Stardust’s ass and closed her eyes. When the dancer hit a particularly sensitive spot and began to suck, Kate’s mouth opened in a moan and her eyes flew open.
She realized as they did that this was the closest she’d ever been to another woman, even Maureen, and Kate lifted her face up while pulling Stardust’s ass down and began licking at her, trying to emulate what the stripper was doing to her own clit. She felt the dancer’s hands on her thighs and nearly cried out when she felt fingers teasing around her slit. When they pushed inside, she lost it and came, bucking up against Stardust, who said in amazement, “Fuck, you’re coming so hard!” Stardust began to grind herself against Kate’s mouth as she moved her fingers in and out of Kate. Kate sucked and licked in between moans and grunts and then the stripper’s whole body tensed and shook and she shouted out, “Jesus!” Kate pushed a few fingers into the pussy above her face and felt it spasm around them.
They lay next to each other softly kissing and stroking each other for five more songs. Finally, Stardust stood up and pulled on her bra. Kate helped her tie her panties back in place and then got dressed herself. Before they exited the little room, Stardust cupped Kate’s face in her hands and kissed her tenderly. Then, they were back out in the club and Kate saw an Asian dancer gyrating on the stage. She made her way back to her table and sat down, still feeling the kiss.
A few moments later, she saw Maureen walking up. She walked carefully and tentatively, and when she got to the table, she said, “Well, Katie, I got what I needed here. You ready to go?” Katie nodded and the two walked out and back into the night.
As she lit a cigarette for each of them and Maureen pulled out of the parking space, Kate thought about how she’d enjoyed her body more in the previous five days than she had in eleven years with her ex-husband. She realized Maureen was talking to her.
“I’m sorry, Maur. What did you say?”
“I said if you’re ever going to be with two men at the same time, make sure the one with the smaller dick is the one who gets your asshole. Jesus, I’m sore.”
“My God, Maur!” The two friends laughed all the way to Kate’s driveway.
As she opened the door, Maureen said, “Sorry for abandoning you, Honey. Did you let the girl give you the lap dance?”
“Yeah. I figured if you were going to shell out all that money, I owed it to you.”
“All th
at money?” Maureen frowned. “I only paid her $25 for a dance and $10 for a tip. How much do you think those dances cost.” Kate smiled, shook her head, and started to laugh. Maureen smiled up at her and said, “Jesus, you must have had a load to drink while I was busy learning about comparative cock size. Anyway, want to go back there in a few days?”
Kate thought of Stardust; her hair and her face and the way she’d shuddered above her. “I think that place could get complicated, Maur. Let's not.”
Maureen nodded. “Okay honey, no more strip clubs.”
“I didn’t say that, Maur. Sixers is only one gentlemen’s club. There have to be others we can visit.” With that, she stepped out of the car and headed to her house still feeling, barely feeling, Stardust’s last, soft kiss.
Kate Cornered: Sex at a Glory Hole
Episode Three
The television screen showed a young blonde woman with a pageboy haircut on her hands and knees crawling toward the cameral. The girl’s full pouty lips were slightly parted and the tip of pink tongue protruded slightly from between them. Her eyes were half closed. Each of her arms was covered from fingertips to bicep by a black glove. Her body was arched so the back of her black leather corset was also visible, and directly behind it, her tiny college-girl ass, covered only by the tiniest thread of her g-string. They weren’t visible at the moment, but the girl also wore thigh-high black boots with stiletto heels. The girl was frozen in that position with lips parted, tongue out, ass in the air, and eyes half closed.