The Gentlemen's Club Journals Complete Collection Read online

Page 4

  Kate nodded and got in the car. She grabbed two cigarettes from the glove compartment and lit them up. She passed one to Maureen once she was seated. Her friend looked at her. “Are you okay, girl?”

  “I’m fine.” She decided to keep quiet about what had happened. “Wanna go get a bite to eat.”

  “Yeah, after that place I’m not in the mood to get laid.” Maureen pulled out of the parking lot. “Nothing good happens in a place like that.”

  Kate took a drag on her cigarette and let the smoke fill her lungs. “I don’t know. If that bitch hadn’t been there, it might have been okay.”

  Maureen snorted. “A whore like that is probably blowing customers in the bathroom. Fuck it.”

  They drove in silence for a while. Finally, Kate lit another cigarette and sighed. “Yeah. Fuck it. Let’s just get back to my place. I’ll order something for dinner and we can watch a movie.”

  Maureen looked at her friend with a look of bewilderment. Finally, she nodded. “Okay, Honey. Anything you want.”

  Kate Carousing: First Threesome Sex with a Stripper

  Episode Four

  The blonde with the pageboy haircut had her perfect little mouth wrapped around the little dick and was gobbling on it with exaggerated slurping, hungry sounds. Her cherubic face seemed ecstatic as she sucked on the small cock like it was food of the gods. The girl was on her hands and knees as she sucked, still wearing her stripper outfit with its leather corset, bicep length leather gloves, and high heeled thigh-high leather boots. Kate had watched this video more than a hundred times, and she knew every slurp, every moan, and every humming groan of ecstasy. She watched from the head of her king-sized bed, moving her fingers in and out of her pussy as the video played.

  She was getting better at making herself come. She’d never masturbated before seven and a half months ago. That didn’t mean she was satisfied. Quite the opposite, but she’d never thought of sex as something that could give her pleasure. That had all changed a month or so ago when her best friend Maureen had set her up to fuck a stranger in the back of her car. Kate closed her eyes and imagined Tony’s cock inside of her as she moved her fingers faster. A week or so later, a girl at an adult club had licked her between her legs. It was the first time, and Kate had come so hard, she’d thought she would explode. She opened her eyes. In a few minutes, the blonde would ask Mr. Little Dick if he wanted her to finish with her mouth or if he wanted her to fuck him. Kate moved her fingers faster and imagined another man in the video behind the young stripper, pushing his cock into her as she sucked.

  Kate had experienced that a few weeks prior. At a strip club, she’d hidden in a restroom but ended up sucking and fucking three men through holes in the stalls, glory holes she’d learned they were called. She moved her fingers faster and faster and finally felt herself coming hard. Her pussy clenched at her fingers so hard that she stopped moving them and simply lay on the bed, breathing hard.

  “Do you want me to finish you off with my mouth or do you want to fuck me, Baby?” The blonde stripper’s voice was high pitched and girly. Kate pulled her fingers out, grabbed the remote, and turned off the TV. She shook her head and sighed. Finally, she stood and headed to the restroom. Before she got there though, the phone rang. It was Friday at about five o’clock. That meant one thing; it would have to be Maureen, probably calling to see about going out. She walked naked into the kitchen and lifted the phone from the wall receiver.

  “Hi Maur, where do you want to go tonight?”

  “It’s not Maureen, Katie!” She thought she recognized the voice. “It’s me, Margaret.” Margaret Johnson—no, she was Martin now, Margaret Martin. Maureen and Kate had been friends since elementary school. When they were juniors in high school, Maureen had moved into town and the three had soon become inseparable. Still, Margaret had always been the third wheel. For the last twelve years, they’d exchanged Christmas and birthday cards and had talked over the phone every few years.

  “Oh, hi there! How are you doing?”

  “I’m good. Look, we’re gonna be close to your house and I was wondering if you wanted to get together.”

  Margaret lived six states away. Kate hadn’t seen here since she’d married right out of high school. “Wow! That would be great. When are you flying in?”

  “Oh, jeez Kate. I didn’t mean close like in California, I meant close like we flew in two days ago and we’re just a few miles away. Can we come by tonight?” Tonight. Jesus. Kate looked at the microwave clock. It was 5:25. “We’ll bring take out.”

  “Um, sure. That would be nice.” She made sure Margaret had the right directions and hung up. She immediately dialed Maureen.

  “What’s up, Sunshine?”

  “Maur, I need you to come over. Right now.”

  “Sweetie, I have an actual honest to goodness date. What’s the emergency?”

  Kate sighed. “No emergency, Maur. It’s just that Margaret called. She and her husband are gonna be here in an hour or so, and I didn’t want to see them by myself.”

  “No kidding, Maggie’s in town? Wow.”

  “She hated that.”

  “What?” Maureen seemed genuinely oblivious.

  “When you called her that. She wants everyone to use her full name.”

  “Whatever, honey. I’m sorry but you’re on your own tonight.” Kate listened and shook her head as though Maureen could see her through the phone lines. “I’ll check in with you later, though.” No amount of convincing changed her mind, and Kate gave up. Evidently, a guy she’d met named Arnie had muscles the size of a mountain and a cock the size of the Eiffel Tower. She finally hung up and let her go.

  She wondered how Margaret looked after all these years. She was cute in high school, with curly blonde hair with streaks of soft red. She’d been a cheerleader, and Kate wondered if she’d kept her figure. She felt stupid, but she couldn’t stop thinking about it as she showered and got ready. She felt dumb, but she picked out tight slacks and a beautiful peasant dress that she knew showed off her tits. Jesus, I’m thirty years old, almost thirty one. She couldn’t believe she was competing with a friend, especially a friend she hadn’t seen in all these years. Still, she put on lipstick and eye shadow and brushed blush on her cheeks until she was satisfied.

  At 6:15, a knock came at the door. She took a deep breath, walked to the door, and opened it. She recognized Margaret right away. She still looked perky, with perky breasts, a perky nose, and a perky mouth. Her curly hair was still just as strawberry blonde and even it looked perky, and when she jumped forward to give Kate a perky hug, Kate looked down and noticed the ass beneath her white and lacy dress was perky, too. Her husband was good looking, with short brown hair, a slightly crooked nose, and mischievous, boyish eyes. He smiled when Margaret finally let go and extended his hand, introducing himself as Joey. He had a bag, and Kate could smell Indian food coming from it.

  It took a while, but by the time they had finished the pickles and were tucking into the aloo gobi and the tandoori chicken, it was like high school again, only Margaret wasn’t the third wheel at all, Kate was. Still, Joey and Margaret were charming, and she enjoyed their company. When they finished eating, the two guests cleared the table while Kate poured them each a glass of wine. They each took a glass and walked to the living room. Kate seated them on the couch, sat on a chair next to it, and they caught each other up. Margaret looked like she’d cry when Kate told her about her divorce, and Joey was compassionate and kind as well. Kate wasn’t surprised to learn that Joey was a lawyer specializing in corporate acquisitions. Margaret had always insisted she’d marry a lawyer. Margaret remarked that Kate still looked beautiful and sexy and Katie returned the compliment.

  “Yeah, maybe, Katie. Still, you’re just beautiful. I have to work like a dog to keep my figure. Oh well, no choice really.” Margaret sighed.

  “No choice?”

  “It’s her job,” Joey said. “She’s a dancer at an upscale men’s club.”

  “A str
ipper?” Kate looked wide-eyed at Margaret.

  Margaret laughed and flashed her eyes at Kate. “We prefer the term exotic dancer, sweetheart.” She noticed Kate’s mouth still agape and smiled at her. “Jesus, Katie. Don’t be such a prude.”

  Kate closed her mouth and shook her head. “No, I…I just. Well, the woman, girl really, that Larry had an affair with was a stripper and—”

  Margaret laugh crumpled. “Oh, Honey! I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have teased you.”

  “No, no.” Kate put her hand on her friend’s knee. “It’s okay. In fact, I visited a couple of strip clubs just to see what they were like. One was really seedy, but one was okay.”

  “You should see Margaret dance.” Joey smiled, even as Margaret rolled her eyes.

  Kate laughed. “What do you want me to do, fly out to Oklahoma City to the club?”

  Margaret laughed, but Joey said, “Dance for us, Baby.”

  Margaret smiled and stood up. “Okay.” She moved the coffee table off to the side and told Kate to sit on the couch next to her husband. Kate was a little uncertain, but she moved next to Joey and sat down. Margaret walked to the entertainment center and flipped through some cds until she found one she liked. Then, she dimmed the lights and started the music.

  It was early soulful jazz that floated from the speakers, and Margaret immediately changed from perky to sensual as she swayed to the music. Kate couldn’t believe how cute became sexy in seconds. Margaret’s hair fell over her face as she bent down, and Kate watched her ass swaying behind her. She began to feel a stirring between her legs and felt her nipples harden beneath her shirt. She swallowed hard as Margaret whipped her head up and stared right at her, blowing a kiss and then running her tongue over her lips.

  With a quick and fluid motion, Margaret removed her shirt and Kate saw her breasts desperately trying to escape from a lacey bra. Another motion, and they were free. Margaret held them in her hands and extended her turn to lick at a nipple. Kate felt her cheeks flush and glanced at Joey. She was shocked to see that he’d unzipped his pants and was stroking his cock. Her eyes grew wide, but he only smiled at her and raised his eyebrows. She turned back to Margaret, who was stepping out of her pants, still moving to the music. She felt Joey’s hand on the back of her head, and when she turned to look at him again, he pulled her face toward the cock he was still stroking.

  She didn’t know why, but she didn’t resist. Instead, she leaned down and opened her mouth, flicking at Joey’s cock with her tongue before moving down on it and sucking. She felt his hand rubbing her hair and then she felt Margaret at her back. She moved her head up and down, trying to move with the music. Joey groaned and Kate felt Margaret pulling at her clothes. Margaret was as good at undressing Kate as she was at undressing herself, and after she lifted her head to let her friend pull off the blouse she was naked. Margaret climbed on top of her, pushing her tongue into her mouth and rubbing at her pussy with a free hand.

  Joey was suddenly next to her, and Margaret turned to suck him, right in front of Kate’s face. Kate reached out with her tongue and licked at his balls as Margaret sucked. After a moment, Margaret backed away and guided Joey into Kate’s mouth. Then, she slid downward, and Kate felt her licking at her pussy. It was amazing, just amazing. Joey stepped over her to get a better angle, and as Kate gripped his thighs, he pushed and pulled in and out of her mouth. She tried to concentrate on his cock, but Margaret’s tongue on her clit was making it all but impossible. Soon, far sooner than she would have thought possible, she was screaming around Joey’s dick and shoving her pussy against Margaret’s face. Margaret backed away and Kate heard her say, “Fuck her, Honey!”

  Joey pulled out of her mouth, stepped down, and thrust right into Kate. When she felt his cock push into her pussy, Kate nearly screamed again. She was still coming, and Joey fucked her hard, keeping a pace that was furious in the pounding. Finally, after several minutes of continual orgasm, Kate pushed him off, panting and whimpering. He smiled at her and sat down next to her, nuzzling her neck. “Margaret, Baby. I think you were a little too good. Poor Kate can’t take anymore.”

  Margaret punched him playfully on the shoulder and leaned down to kiss Kate. “It’s okay, Katie, I’ll finish him.” With that, she turned around and sat on top of him. Kate watched her begin to move up and down, watched her hair brushing against Joey’s chest and chin. She crawled off the couch and knelt in front of them, watching as Joey’s cock disappeared and reappeared. She moved forward and began to lick at Joey’s balls. He moaned and began pumping faster. Kate watched Margaret’s pussy clenching at his cock and moved her tongue up his shaft to her clit. Her friend moaned and leaned backward as Kate licked at her. In a few moments, she grabbed Kate’s hair and screamed “Oh Yes! Yes! Yes!” Joey began fucking her faster and she screamed and didn’t stop until Joey thrust up a final time and screamed himself.

  The three sat for a while in awkward silence, and Kate finally stood and kissed both of them. Then, she pulled on her jeans and her blouse and sat back in the chair. She took her wine from the end table and sipped it. “So, how long are you guys in town?” That brought a round of giggles from her naked friends.

  Three hours later, Maureen called. “Hey honey, how’s Margaret?”

  Kate sat up on the bed. “She’s doing good. Same old Margaret.” Even as she said it, she could still feel Margaret’s tongue on her. “They’re in town for another three days. You should try to meet up.”

  “Oh, that’s why I’m calling, Darling. I’m going to Vegas for the weekend. I just wanted to make sure you’d be okay.”

  Kate smiled. “I’ll be fine, Dear. You go have fun and be careful.”

  “But won’t you be bored?”

  Kate looked to her left where Margaret slept naked, her leg over Joey’s waist. She watched her breathing and saw the way Joey’s chest rose and fell with his breath. “Oh, don’t worry Maur. I’ll find something to do.”

  Kate’s Compassion: The Rough Stripper Gangbang

  Episode Five

  Kate came hard, shuddering as she thrust her hips upward and pushed her fingers further into her pussy. The blonde stripper on the TV screen across from her king sized bed was shouting and the man inside of her was coming as well. Kate slowed her fingers, gradually allowing her body to relax as she slowly came down from the feeling. Finally, just as the screen went black of its own accord, she pulled her fingers out and lay on the bed.

  It had been a strange and wonderful few months. The tape had started it all. The girlish young blonde had been fucking Kate’s husband, ex-husband now. Larry James Neiss had left the video (of the blonde with the pageboy haircut sucking his tiny prick and then fucking him senseless) on a flash drive in his pants and Kate had found it in the laundry. The video had cost Dr. Neiss, whom Kate called Dr. Asshole, more than half of everything they owned, including the house. Kate had spent nearly six months watching the video every night before her best friend Maureen had taken her out and convinced her to fuck a total stranger in the backseat of her car. A week later, and she slept with a woman for the first time. Then, it was anonymous blowjobs and fucking in a public bathroom, and a week ago a threesome with a childhood girlfriend and her husband. The threesome with Joey and Margaret had lasted for an entire weekend, and Kate smiled at the memory of it.

  She was over Dr. Asshole, but she wasn’t over the tape. Even as she had her adventures and felt herself blossoming sexually, she watched the tape nearly every night. She even watched it with Joey and Margaret, Margaret licking at her clit while she watched Joey fuck his wife from behind. She tried to think of a day, any day when she hadn’t heard Larry “Little Prick” Neiss cry out and come, but she couldn’t come up with even one. She didn’t know why. She hadn’t really been happy with him, and she was happy to be free of him, even happy to cash the fifteen thousand dollar alimony checks the man had to write to remind himself not to fuck little blondes fifteen years younger than himself.

  She put on her jeans and
pulled a cotton t-shirt over her head. She didn’t bother with a bra. She wasn’t sure if what she was doing was smart, but she pushed the worries out of her mind and grabbed her purse. The phone rang. That would be Maureen checking in on her. Her best friend cared a lot, and she knew about the tape. She knew about the way Kate obsessed about it. Kate decided it would probably be a good idea to let the phone ring. She walked out the door and headed to her car. The moment she got inside, she reached in the glove compartment and grabbed a cigarette. It was true that she and Maureen were trying to quit, but they’d only managed to limit their smoking to the travel time. She lit up and inhaled deeply.

  The drive was easy. Maureen didn’t know it, but she made the trip three or four times per week, just drove and sat in the parking lot of The Night Horse, the strip club where Morgan Rees worked. Morgan—she used the stage name Elektra—was the blonde from the video, and Kate had seen her walk from the club to her car two or three times per night, almost every night. Kate hadn’t had the courage to confront her. Instead, she sat in the back of the parking lot and waited for the times that Elektra would head to her car. She wasn’t sure why Elektra went to her car. She figured she was drinking or maybe doing some other drug. Maybe she called Dr. Asshole Neiss when she took her car breaks. Who knew?